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Dear Sir or Madame,

We are glad to introduce the MMEF - Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance programme for 2012/2013.

For this admission session, you might be interested in disseminating this information within your Institution & network, particularly to undergraduate students who are interested in graduate studies in Economics, Finance and Applied Mathematics. 

Please note that our students can follow 100% of their scientific courses in english and a French Language course and culture visits.

MMEF - Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance

Brief Presentation: The MMEF - Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance, recrutes students wishing to complete their master studies in Economics or Finance at Université Panthéon-Sorbonne. It is a one-year of Graduate Studies, full-time, international programme Courses offered are taught in English with intensive French language course. It gives acces to one of the M2 programmes, IRFA - Engineering of Risk: Finance and Insurance, MMMEF - Mathematics and Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance, and the Erasmus Mundus Master QEM: Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics

The training is built around a large spectrum of courses in Economics, Finance and Mathematics, which aim to give the knowledge for the modelization of economic and financial problems, for mathematical formalization and tools for the numerical solutions. The new models in finance, economics and decision theory need a coherent training in these fields.

Target Audience: International, English speakers with a recognized Bachelor Degree or equivalent (180 ECTS credits in the Bologna system). Mathematical aptitude and work experience can be helpful. 

Career opportunities: Master M2 programmes, Accelerated track of Erasmus Mundus Master QEM: Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics (accepted students will join the QEM1 in April if accepted in MMEF Fall semester), economist or statistician in France or abroad, Banks, Insurance companies

Load: M1 – min. 288 hours for scientific courses & 100 hours of French language course and culture visits | 60 ECTS

Application: Application is online on


Current Academic Year 2011-12
- Fall is CLOSED
- Spring is CLOSED
- Summer is 15 June 2012

Coming Academic Year 2012-13
- Fall is 5 September 2012
- Spring is 30 November 2012
- Summer is 1 June 2012

More info on Website of MMEF Programme:

Best resgards,

Administrative contact: 

Dr Lachiri Oussama
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Administrative Office Manager

Academic contact: 

Professor Jean-Marc Bonnisseau
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Director of Studies of MMEF programme



Недвижимость и квартиры в Москве и России

Кафедра ЭММ выполняет на договорной основе:

  • Индивидуальные исследования рынка недвижимости и консалтинг.
  • Исследования, связанные с изучением спроса и потребительских предпочтений на рынке недвижимости, оценка емкости рынка.
  • Обзорные исследования текущего состояния и тенденций развития рынка недвижимости или его сегментов.
  • Исследования и аналитические справки, связанные с обоснованием целесообразности тех или иных проектов для банков, партнеров или соинвесторов.